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peoplefone STUDIO

First steps

Where do I use my peoplefone STUDIO?

Use at your workplace

You can easily use peoplefone STUDIO for your daily TEAMS meetings directly from your workplace.

You don’t need any additional infrastructure for this – a camera is all you need for setup.

Make your webinars and presentations more lively and effective and inspire your team!

Professional studio environment

For important online presentations, you can set up your own TV studio in just a few steps.

This environment is ideal for town-hall-meetings, investor pitches or keynote presentations and ensures a convincing appearance.

Which is the right version?

Hardware requirements

What hardware is required to use peoplefone STUDIO?

The peoplefone STUDIO software is available for Windows and macOS and consists of three main components:

The peoplefone STUDIO main application software
– Der peoplefone STUDIO service
– The virtual camera (the peoplefone STUDIO camera)

Microsoft Windows

To ensure that the peoplefone STUDIO software runs smoothly under Windows, the hardware must fulfil the following requirements:

Due to the advanced machine learning algorithms and unique 3D rendering capabilities of peoplefone STUDIO, a dedicated graphics card, such as an NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1050 or better, is highly recommended. For optimal performance, consider a latest generation graphics card. Intel-based graphics cards, such as the Intel® Iris® Xe or Plus, may cause performance issues and flickering.

The installation requires administrator rights to install the main application software and register the virtual camera component.

  • Standard installation: C:\Program Files\Nimagna\Nimagna App
  • Data path: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Nimagna\Nimagna App

Apple MacOS

peoplefone STUDIO currently supports Apple Silicon with M1 or newer. Support for features on Intel Macs is limited and performance issues may occur.

The installation requires administrator rights to install the main application software and register the virtual camera component.

  • Standard installation: Macintosh HD > Applications
  • Data path: (user) > Library > Application support > Nimagna > Nimagna App

Download the software

To download the peoplefone STUDIO, you can either take out a subscription via your existing peoplefone ACCOUNT or register via the form on our website. In both cases you will receive a trial period of 30 working days.

You can find the non-binding registration for a 30-day trial here.

Present online or record a video offline

Which software is suitable for online presentations and which software is ideal for offline recordings?



Wie kann man peoplefone STUDIO verwenden?

Sehen Sie sich die Anleitung für die ersten Schritte unter an.

Noch kürzer:

  1. Wählen nach der Installation von peoplefone STUDIO die „peoplefone-Kamera“ in der bevorzugten Videoplattform aus, wie z. B. Teams, Zoom, Google Meet usw.
  2. Starten Sie peoplefone STUDIO und fügen Sie Inhalte hinzu, wie z. B. eine PowerPoint- oder Keynote-Präsentation, Bilder, Videos usw.
  3. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie von Ihrer Kamera gut erfasst werden und den gesamten Kamerarahmen ausfüllen.
  4. Jetzt gehört die Bühne Ihnen – starten Sie Ihre Präsentation!

peoplefone STUDIO kann auch mit mehreren Kameras verwendet werden. peoplefone STUDIO unterstützt sowohl USB-Webcams als auch drahtlose Webcams oder Mobilgeräte als Kameraeingänge, sofern diese auf Ihrem Computer verfügbar sind.

Kamera und Setup

Welche Kameras werden für das peoplefone STUDIO empfohlen?

Neben der Notebook- oder Mobile-Kamera können auch Webcams eingesetzt werden.

Logitech Brio 4KLogitech Brio 500/501/505Logitech MX Brio
Dell UltraSharp WB7022Razer Kiyo Pro
